XstitchXcel: Cross stitch tools for patterns drafted in Excel

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Cross stitch tools for patterns drafted in Excel. Note: most of these tools will create a little file on your computer; it helps with speed.

  • Create Pattern. picture made in excel => cross stitch pattern. Choose any or all of these: colors, symbols, colors and symbols
  • Stats. See how many stitches/skeins of each color and the final size
  • Find DMC Colors. Find the nearest DMC color for each pixel in your spreadsheet
  • Replace Color. Replace all pixels of one color with another color. DMC color codes, hex colors, and transparent
  • Batch convert. For all images in a folder, convert them to cross stitch patterns, automatically finding the closest DMC color. This will be improved later.
  • To png. excel picture => image file
  • CRT Blur. Add a blur effect as on old TV sets. Example
  • Image to Excel. image file => excel picture

You're absolutely welcome to use this tool for free. And if you want to leave a tip, thanks!


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